SNPMiner Trials by Shray Alag

SNPMiner Trials: Mutation Report

Report for Mutation M2540A

Developed by Shray Alag, 2019.
SNP Clinical Trial Gene

There is one clinical trial.

Clinical Trials

1 Accuracy of Ultrasonography and Electromyography in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There is no golden universal standard for the diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). In this scenario, for a comparison of the effectiveness of the principal diagnostic tests CTS should determine how they affect the likelihood of disease through a clinical accuracy trial of good methodological quality in order to get answers to what is the best diagnostic strategy in clinical CTS practice. The paresthesia in nerve distribution territory median hands is the most common symptom in patients with CTS. The nuisance caused by paresthesia directly affects the quality of life of patients and impairs daily manual activities and sleep quality. To evaluate the remission of paresthesia is a major clinical criterion for improved STC being an expected relevant outcome for the patient. This study evaluated and compared the diagnostic accuracy of the ultrasonography (US) and electromyography (EMG), considering the postoperative status of remission of paresthesia as the reference standard in the diagnosis of CTS.

NCT02553811 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Compression Neuropathy, Carpal Tunnel Median Neuropathy, Carpal Tunnel Diagnostic Test: accuracy diagnostic
MeSH: Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Nerve Compression Syndromes Hereditary Sensory and Motor Neuropathy Median Neuropathy
HPO: Entrapment neuropathy

The ultrasonography (US) of the wrist were performed in a Philips brand equipment (model M2540A, Bothell, WA USA) with broadband linear transducers. --- M2540A ---

Primary Outcomes

Description: Patients with CTS who obtained as a result of surgical treatment, remission of paresthesia were considered to be truly ill, and patients who did not receive remission of paresthesia were considered non-diseased. The remission of paresthesia evaluated after surgical treatment was considered the reference standard for the diagnosis of CTS. The accuracy of US was assessed by evaluating the results of the US (positive or negative) in relation to the results of surgery (remission of paresthesia or non-remission of paresthesia).

Measure: Accuracy of the ultrasonography (US)

Time: four months

Description: Patients with CTS who obtained as a result of surgical treatment, remission of paresthesia were considered to be truly ill, and patients who did not receive remission of paresthesia were considered non-diseased. The remission of paresthesia evaluated after surgical treatment was considered the reference standard for the diagnosis of CTS. The accuracy of EMG was assessed by evaluating the results of the EMG (positive or negative) in relation to the results of surgery (remission of paresthesia or non-remission of paresthesia).

Measure: Accuracy of the electromyograph (EMG)

Time: fours months

Description: The Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) is a disease-specific STC questionnaire, self-administered, translated and validated for the Portuguese language, which evaluates two components: a symptom severity scale with 11 questions and a functional status scale with 8 issues. All patients in this study responded to two BCQT, the first after initial clinical evaluation and the second at the end of the fourth month of postoperative follow-up. To assess the improvement of severity and functional status of the patients in this study, a medically significant improvement in the two scales was expected between the means of the second Boston questionnaire (according to BCQT) compared to the means of the first Boston questionnaire (first BCQT).

Measure: Life quality

Time: fours months

Secondary Outcomes

Description: The Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) is a disease-specific STC questionnaire, self-administered, translated and validated for the Portuguese language, which evaluates two components: a symptom severity scale with 11 questions and a functional status scale with 8 issues. All patients in this study responded to two BCQT, the first after initial clinical evaluation and the second at the end of the fourth month of postoperative follow-up. To assess the improvement of severity and functional status of the patients in this study, a medically significant improvement in the two scales was expected between the means of the second Boston questionnaire (according to BCQT) compared to the means of the first Boston questionnaire (first BCQT).

Measure: Improvement in severity of symptoms and functional status of the patients

Time: four months

HPO Nodes

Entrapment neuropathy
Genes 6